

Civil flag of the Kingdom of Italy

State flag and ensign of the Kingdom of Italy

War flag of the Kingdom of Italy

Naval jack of the Kingdom of Italy prior to 1900

Naval jack of the Kingdom of Italy after 1900

Royal Standard of the King of Italy 1848-1880

Royal Standard of the King of Italy 1880-1946

State Flag of the Kingdom of Albania (Savoy)

Flag of the King's Lieutenant in Albania

Flag of Italian Colonial Governors

Flag of the Governor General of Italian East Africa

Standard of the Crown Prince of Italy

(unofficial flags)
Italian Eritrea

Italian Somaliland

Italian Libya

Italian East Africa





(Historical Flags)
The Most Serene Republic of Venice

The Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia

The Kingdom of the Two-Sicilies (later)

The Kingdom of the Two-Sicilies (early)

The Kingdom of Naples

The Roman Empire

The Duchy of Savoy

The Royal Standard of Piedmont-Sardinia

The Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Hapsburg) (early)

The Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Hapsburg) (later)

The Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Medici)

The Duchy of Modena

The Republic of Florence

The Republic of Pisa

The Republic of Genoa

The Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia

The Kingdom of Italy (Napoleonic)